While You Were Folding

Sabbath Week Reset
We started doing a “Sabbath Schedule” in our homeschool this year. We do 6 weeks of school, and then we take 1 week (called a Sabbath Week) off. We use that time to do all of the things we aren’t able to during our school weeks. We recently had our first sabbath week, so I thought I’d share about it: what went well, what didn’t, and what I plan to do differently next time around.
Links/Resources Mentioned This Episode:
Join the conversation!
Do you have a sabbath schedule in your homeschool? Maybe you don’t homeschool, but do you apply the idea of a sabbath into your routine? I’d love to hear about how you’re incorporating REST into your family’s rhythms!
Also, don’t forget: my pelvic floor physical therapist is going to be a guest on an upcoming episode, and she’d love to answer all of your questions! Now’s your chance to get all of your pelvic floor questions answered by a professional!
Get in touch!
E-mail me at: podcastATcatherineboucherDOTcom or
E-mail me an audio file as an attachment or send a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode! (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)
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Until next time, be sure to share what you heard While You Were Folding!