Which Game First: A Board Game Podcast
Nusfjord | Tapestry | Quad-Ominos
First up can we clear cut our way to a fishing fleet while trying to maintain our beautiful way of life Nusfjord.Next we choose the course of our civilization as it grows through the ages in Tapestry.And lastly we take the classic dot counting game to the fourth dimension in Quad-Ominos.
Designed by: Uwe RosenbergPublished by: Lookout Games & Mayfair Games (2017)Players: 1 – 5Ages: 12 & upPlaying time: 20 – 100 min
In Nusfjord, as the owner of a major fishing company, your goal is to develop the harbor and the surrounding landscape.
Each turn, players use their three workers to place on a central board to trigger certain actions, which allows you to enlarge your fleet, clear the forest, erect new buildings, and satisfy the local elders.
Money is scarce, and one of the quicker and easier ways to get money is to place shares of your own company on the market.
The village elders might want their own share of your catch as well, so if you don’t take care, your catch could end up entirely in the hands of others and your camp will be empty.
The game ends after 7 rounds, and the player with the most points dominates the fjords of the Lofoten archipelago!
Designed by: Jamey StegmaierPublished by: Stonemaier Games (2019)Players: 1 -5Ages: 12 & upPlaying time: 90 – 120 min
In Tapestry, you strive to create the civilization with the most storied history, starting at the beginning of humankind and reaching into the future.
On your turn, you can advance on any of the four advancement tracks (science, technology, exploration, and military) to earn progressively better benefits.
You will also improve your income, build your capital city, leverage your asymmetric abilities, earn victory points, and gain tapestry cards that will tell the story of your civilization.
After all players have completed their fifth era, the civilization with the most points hangs their Tapestry above the others.
Published by: Pressman (1978)Players: 2 – 8Ages: 8 & upPlaying time: about 60 min
In Quad-Ominos, there are square tiles with numbers on each corner, which you place adjacent to another tile so that their numbers match.
Points are scored based on the total value of the tile placed, along with bonuses for first tile and last tile placement.
The first player to place all the tiles in their hand gets to score the points remaining in the other players hands.
The first player to 800 points wins the game.