Which Game First: A Board Game Podcast

Widget Ridge | War Room | The Cohort
First up, we spark our steam engines to ratchet together our punk machines in Widget Ridge.Next, we the year is 1942, the world is on the brink of chaos as we command the forces of axis and allies in War Room.And lastly, we discover what divas Roman soldiers can be as we build our legions in The Cohort.
Widget Ridge
Designed by: Ian Taylor, Shawn MartineauPublished by:Furious Tree Games (2019) Players: 1 – 2Ages: 12 & upPlaying time: 30 min
In Widget Ridge, you are an Inventor competing in the world’s biggest science fair! Each player starts with a basic deck of 7 starting Widgets and 3 Gadgets.
On your turn, you can play cards, use Gold to purchase cards from the Marketplace, or add a card to your workshop. If you have managed to fully construct a machine with an Augment, Device, and Accessory connected, then you may activate the machine and use it’s construct ability!
The first player to generate 100 Spark wins the game!
War Room
Designed by: Larry HarrisPublished by: Nightingale Games (2019)Players: 2 – 6Ages: 14 & upPlaying time: 2 – 6 hrs
In War Room, You have been entrusted with the Mantle of Command for your nation during World War II.
Collaborate with allies to coordinate maneuvers before resolving your secret, simultaneous orders for movement and production. Assign battle stances for each unit type wisely during conflicts on land and at sea. Maintain a tight grip on your territories and guard your convoys to control the varied resources required to expand your army. Attack your enemies where they least expect and crush their national morale.
Strive onward to capture the enemy capitals and secure victory!
The Cohort
Designed by: Jeremie KletzkinePublished by: Mage Company (2016)Players: 2 – 6 Ages: 8 & UpPlaying time: 15 – 30 min
In The Cohort, players race to assemble a legion of three “Cohorts” and become Caesar’s greatest commander.
A Cohort is a set of one type of units: Praetorians, Catapults, Centurions, Sagittarii, Equites, Legionaries, or Velites.
On your turn, draw two cards, keep one and give the other to a player of your choice. You can keep that card in your hand or trigger it and create a Cohort. Be careful though, for the troops are rowdy! Until a Cohort is complete their behaviour works against you.
The first player to complete three Cohorts wins, so snap them into line as quickly as you can, disrupt the plans of your fellow commanders and show Caesar that your Legion is the greatest in all the Empire.