Where Icarus Flies

Where Icarus Flies

WhereIF Episode 4: Stargate Universe, Online Information Safety, Hoover Report & More!

November 18, 2009

Stargate UniverseWhere Icarus Flies Episode 4 has left the building!

WhereIF – Episode 4 Contents

Well, I think we are slowly settling into our format. A couple small topics, our main discussion, The Hoover Report, Masterworks Theater and possibly a few other bits thrown in. I don’t want to get stagnant, so I’ll still look to mix it up from time to time, but for now a good rhythm is important.

Stargate Universe (SGU)

For Science Fiction fans, this is an excellent new show on SyFy (formally the SciFi Network). I am late in jumping on the bandwagon, and still 5 episodes behind, but after watching the 3 part intro I am happy to report that it is a good show! The acting and writing are good and the plot it a good one (they give a new spin to an oldie but goodie storyline).

V: The Reboot – Episode 3

I spend a couple of minutes giving my impressions of the 3rd episode in the new V:The Reboot series on ABC. I don’t want to spoil the podcast for you, so you’ll just have to listen in to hear what I think!