When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

Latest Episodes

#202 – In Space, No One Can Here You Sigh In Disbelief
May 07, 2017

Welcome to this week’s super special episode of When Nerds Collide! This time we are joined by long-time friends of the show Ryan and Brandon to talk about one of the most successful film franchises, Alien! After a delightful anecdote from Dan,

#201 – First Appearances, Celebrated Returns, and the Guardians of the Galaxy, too!
April 30, 2017

This week on the 201st episode of When Nerds Collide, as promised, we celebrate the return of long-time friends of the show, Matt and Avery! What? Avery’s never been on the show? Are you sure? I would have sworn he had been here before. Ok,

#200 – Harry Potter Book Seven, aka Ginny Got Screwed!
April 23, 2017

Greetings and salutations! This week on When Nerds Collide, we celebrate our 200th episode with our discussion of the final book in J.K. Rowling’s classic heptalogy, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! We are joined, as always,

#199 – Blame it on United!
April 16, 2017

After months of recording from parts unknown and a brief hiatus, we are finally back in WNC podcast central, aka Dan’s mancave! On this week’s episode, we start out with a discussion of the trailers for Thor: Ragnarok and Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

#198 – Hot Cough Syrup
April 14, 2017

On this week’s very special episode of When Nerds Collide, Dan and Tom come back after several weeks off due to illness and fatigue. (They were sick and tired of doing the show!) Seriously though, Dan was under the weather the previous week and opens t...

#197 – Pickle Money with Sara Coates!
March 05, 2017

On this week’s super special episode of When Nerds Collide, Dan and Tom welcome the lovely and talented Sara Coates to the show! According to her IMDB page, Sara is best known for playing Savannah in Lynn Shelton’s “Laggies”.

#196 – Dynamite Dan Dominates Discussion, Dazzles Dweebs!
February 26, 2017

On this week’s all-new episode of When Nerds Collide, Dan had all the topics ready to go! A bit random, but very good talking material! We continue a Facebook discussion of the the question “Is GROUNDHOG DAY a time travel movie?

#195 – Random Rantings and Ryan Returns with Impressive Impressions!
February 19, 2017

Welcome to episode 195 of When Nerds Collide! After a week off due to illness, we remount the mic’s and are joined once again by unofficial Collider Ryan! With only the loosest of plans, the show ranges around to a variety of topics including shouted m...

#194 – BAM! Kick It Up A Notch!
February 05, 2017

On this week’s extra EXTRA special episode of When Nerds Collide, Dan and Tom record LIVE from the first annual BAM! Anime and Toy Show. Dan walked around the show with his fancy recording program and they made a running commentary of the entire show a...

#193 – Those Marvelous Multi-Hued Lanterns!
January 29, 2017

On this week’s very special episode of When Nerds Collide, Dan and Tom are joined by returning friend of the show Brandon to explore the hypothetical scenario of which Marvel characters could be members of DC’s Lantern Corps,