When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide #146 – Random content

January 17, 2016

Oh man! You want an episode thats full of fun and a lot of different topics and discussion? Hear ya go, this is the show for you! To get you ready for the great time in your ears, we bring you the wonderful Tobias. He's here, he's clear and he's in your ear!

We start the show off with some recapping of last episode talking about names that are cray-cray! A few tweets also come out our way.

Then, Dan brings back the random comics bit! He randomly hands Tom and Tobias a few random comics. Listen to these two comic nerds talking about a few number one issues. here they are:


Hey! Do you know television shows from the 90s? Then Tom has got the quiz for you! He brings along a quiz about random TV shows from that generation. Think you may know it? Maybe not. Why don't you tweet at us and let us know how well you did so we can praise you for your fantastic job!

Finally we end the show on kind of a sad note. So far in  2016, cancer has taken away a lot of our pop culture icons and we decide to talk about a few. A lot of favorite actors/artists passed away and influenced us all in one way or another. So come look back with us as we share fond memories of these wonderful people.

Why don't you email us at Collidingnerds@gmail.com or tweet at us @collidingnerds to let us know any of your favorite memories about these or more!

Thanks to Kirby Krackle for the sweet sweet music!