When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide #132 – Good Portals

October 04, 2015

In this great episode we are joined by two wonderful guests to talk about a little of everything.

Brandon and Alex join us to play catch up and of course take a quiz! We talk all about the Baltimore comic con, and books that we are in love with. Everyone gets into their own little world and talks about new stuff thats going on. This show consists of The Muppet Show, comic book creators, the Tick, and so much more.

We discuss why bad things always come out of mysterious portals. Where are all the good things that come out of portals? Dan has a rant about how much fake nerds piss him off and how people should just be themselves. Don't pretend to be cool, especially when your in your mid 20s. Then we inform Tom on all the coolness his missed out on. Tv shows galore are mentioned! Expectations about the TV shows, and what we like or don't about the upcoming shows and news about them.

So come listen in on a standard conversation between comic nerds and friends that would still happen even without mics. This shit is real.

Questions or comments? send us an electronic mail to Collidingnerds@gmail.com or tweet as us @Collidingnerds

Or go to the website and leave us a voicemail and we'll play it on the show

music by Kirby Krackle