When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide #86- Talking with Tobias

November 09, 2014

Hopefully the title didn’t spoil this episode. Tobias dropped by and this time we had a specific topic. I had notes, and we were all ready to get into something specific. Here lies a problem. When you get three nerds in a room, and you all get along and have a good time, things digress and wonderful and fun conversations happen! So needless to say the topic did not get discussed but so many other things did! We really covered the spectrum on this one.

It almost feels as if you, the listener, was on a research assignment to listen in on group of nerds to study and record their conversations and behavior in their natural habitat, this would be the out come.

So, come listen in and join the fun! If you have any thoughts on said topic or just wanna talk, send us an email at Collidingnerds@gmail.com or leave us a post on our Facebook page and don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes!

And Also listen to the Block Bluster podcast on iTunes and like them on Facebook!

Booyah! Make this shit happen, people!!