When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide #166 – The Films of 1989

June 19, 2016

On this week's extra-special episode of WNC, we welcome back the masters of movies, the fanatics of films, the captains of cinema, Tobias and Ivey! It's been too long since we had these fine gentlemen on the show, but what a topic for them to make their return! We discuss the movies that came out in 1989, and man, were there a lot of them! We jump right into the quiz, and from there right into the movie discussion. We talk about major blockbusters, hidden gems, and guilty pleasures and cap off the conversation with the biggest film that year (it rhymes with Fatfan!) Plus our usual mix of puns, jokes of questionable taste, and even a "that's what she said" or two. Give it a shot! It's better than listening Korean Melodic Death Metal!


Have any suggestions or perhaps we left one out that upsets you? E-mail us and let us know at collidingnerds@gmail.com or tweet to us @collidingnerds

Don’t forget to check out Korean Melodic Death Metal:

Thanks to Kirby Krackle for the titanic tunes!