When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide

When Nerds Collide #154 – Hero vs Hero

March 13, 2016

Another great show with more content that you can shake a stick at! We bring to you a discussion of several topcs and juvenile humor. Starting off with a birthday recap Dan has to go over and talk about some stories he feels worth mentioning.

We discuss to qualities of children programming and what exactly it's teaching our kids. Some songs can entertain the kids while others can concern parents.

Batman v Superman! You know whats good about it? According to Tom, nothing. This movie is going to blow, and Tom actually brings up a good point why. Let us know if you agree or disagree with him.

On to the main event, heroes vs heroes. With the upcoming films of Batman vs Superman and Captain America: Civil war, the audience is getting a taste of why good guys would fight each other. WE are here to tell you its not the first time. We go over some popular comic book story lines of hen the good guys had to fight each other and the motive behind it. We enjoyed all these books and we know that you will too!

And questions or comments you can leave us a voicemail on the website. Actually if your reading this on the site, there should be a tab to the right you can click on and record us a message!

Email: Collidingnerds@gmail.com Tweets: @collidingnerds

You can find all of Ryans info at FilmFad.com

Thanks to Kirby Krackle for the tunes