When in Spain
Comedy as an antidote to the frustrations of living in Spain – Laughter is the best medicine with Richard Marshall
British comedian Richard Marshall from Madrid Stand Up Comedy talks to me about the frustration and isolation we can face when moving to Spain. Richard shares with us how he’s used comedy as an antidote to overcome the anxieties of immersing himself in a new culture and language.
We also had lots of laughs examining the little cultural differences we’ve noticed and we also attempt to compare the Spanish and British sense of humour. Yes, laughter really is the best medicine!
Catch Richard at Teatro de las Aguas Madrid at his next show on March 14th. More info and tickets here msuc.webs.com
Also check out the Madrid Stand Up comedy Facebook group and Richard´s Instagram
As mentioned in the podcast episode, if you´re looking for a round-up of comedy that´s on in Madrid check out Madrid Live