When in Spain

Latest Episodes
A guide to churros y chocolate: sheep, a play & Tina Turner
The cool autumn evenings have arrived in Madrid and on a wander down Madrid's Calle de Arenal, I had a sudden craving for Spain's favourite warm, sweet treat churros y chocolate! This a quintessenti
A postcard from El Puerto de Santa María
Walk with me through the charming city of El Puerto de Santa Mara. We'll take in the famous sherry bodegas, explore Christopher Columbus's link to the city, take a look at the Castillo de San Marco,
The golden city of Salamanca — Spain’s grandest plaza, an ancient university, and a frog
Join me for all the sights and sounds on a visit to the university city of Salamanca during Spain's 'Semana Santa'. I take in what is possibly Spain's most impressive Plaza Mayor, explore the city's a
A little Madrid street with a BIG personality
After a loooooong break I'm back with a beautiful spring evening wander down one of my favourite Madrid streets Calle de Santa Isabel. - We'll be taking in the sights and sounds with stop-offs in El
Where to visit in Spain with Karen Rosenblum
Where should you visit in Spain if it's your first time? Where should you visit if you only have two weeks? Can you see it all? No. So how do you decide what to include on you itinerary? That's what t
A day trip to Cuenca and its hanging houses
I'm whisking you away on the high-speed AVE train for a day trip to the beautiful medieval city of Cuenca. - Join me as I stroll around Cuenca's charming streets and squares, admire the gothic cathedr
Ten must-visit Madrid bars with Chris Lynch
After a six-month break When in Spain is back! And to celebrate we're taking you on a tour of ten classic Madrid bars. Our guide is Chris Lynch, Spanish wine-buff, former Spanish bar owner, and founde
Sounds that make you sound Spanish – ¡Buah! ¡Anda! ¡Hala! ¡Uy! ¡Puf!
Want to sound super Spanish? I run through ten useful and fun Spanish interjections that you can pepper your conversations with to help express yourself even more clearly when you're chatting en espa