When God's People Pray
Latest Episodes
Fill This City
How can the church of Jesus Christ fill an entire city? We look at that question as we study how the Lord was at work during Acts 5. We then take those lessons and apply them to how we can praying for our individual cities. Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Before The Lord
How can become aware of the active presence & work of the Lord? We seek to answer this question through Peter's encounter with Ananias and Sapphira and try to make sense with why God ended their lives. Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Being Bold
FMC member Jason Yordy shares about the various ways in which the disciples were bold for Jesus - and how that applies to us today. Speaker: Jason Yordy
In Jesus' Name
Why do we end our prayers with 'in Jesus' name'? We briefly study this topic and consider ways in which it can be used to remind us of who Jesus is and who He invites His disciples to be in the world. Speaker: Aaron Yoder
The Author of LIfe
Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important? We study Peter's 2nd sermon to see how Jesus is the embodiment of God's mercy, authentication that God keeps His word, and the source of true blessing from God. Also hear... Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Leaping and Praising
Does God still heal people's physical needs? If so, how does it happen and why does it not happen more often? We dig into these difficult questions and look at Peter's faith as recorded in Acts 3. Speaker: Aaron Yoder
New Priorities
How do you define 'church?' That question may feel unnecessary but a growing number of people have no idea what church is about. We study the core of church life, it's basic essentials, and steps to take in order... Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Evidence for Hope
How can we experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit? We study this subject in light of the 2nd part of Peter's sermon on Pentecost. Josh Graber also shares his 'Spoken Word' testimony. Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Poured Out
Why was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Jewish festival of Pentecost so important? And how can we learn from Peter's quotation of Joel 2. We study this crucial text and seek to apply God's truth to our... Speaker: Aaron Yoder
Devoted Leaders
How did the Early Church leaders solve their first leadership crisis - filling Judas' position among the 12 apostles? We study this topic and others in the second part of this series. Speaker: Ben Smidt