What's Your Grief Podcast

What's Your Grief Podcast

Latest Episodes

What's Your (Grief) Question
October 10, 2022

You've sent us your grief questions; we've done our best to share some answers. Or at least talk through some thoughts. How do you handle it when people make assumptions about your grief that are all

Do We Recover From Grief?
October 01, 2022

In this episode, Eleanor and Litsa talk about a question that has created some disagreement on social media recently: do we 'recover' from grief? Our book is available anywhere you buy books:

Lists to Help You Through Any Loss
September 09, 2022

Our book is available for pre-order (and you can even get a free digital download companion thank you for pre-ordering). Order it today for delivery on the release date - September 27, 2022:

Everybody's Grieving for the Weekend
September 02, 2022

Our book is available for To join the WYG member community, where we have tons of grief education, support, connection, a book club, and where you can watch the live stream of us recording and chat a

All About Anger in Grief
August 26, 2022

Our book is available for To join the WYG member community, where we have tons of grief education, support, connection, a book club, and where you can watch the live stream of us recording and chat a

Grief and the Passage of Time
August 19, 2022

Our book is available for To join the WYG member community, where we have tons of grief education, support, connection, a book club, and where you can watch the live stream of us recording and chat a

Announcement: We're Back!
August 19, 2022

Needless to say, it's been a while! But we're back with an exciting announcement. To join the WYG member community, where we have tons of grief education, support, connection, a book club, and where

Grief Hindsight
September 18, 2020

After a death we do a lot of looking backwards. We think about what we should have known or done differently. We imagine a different world, and ideal world, if things had just taken another path. This becomes wound up in our grief - we beat ourselves...

Grief Expectations
September 01, 2020

What we believe about grief often starts from a young age. We get messages from family, friends, community, and the media about what grief is 'supposed' to look like. Those messages become beliefs and those beliefs have a very real impact on the way...

Is Grief Ever 'On Hold'?
June 30, 2020

Terms like delayed grief and absent grief get thrown around a lot. Recently, people have been suggesting that distancing may be putting people's grief 'on hold'. In this episode, we talk about whether grief is ever 'on hold', how external...
