What's Here Now, Kid?

What's Here Now, Kid?

What’s Your Intention?

February 06, 2018

In our first episode, we are excited to introduce our concept of bringing adults back to the simplicity of life from the voice of a child via a conversation about everyday life, intention setting and coaching.

What would it be like if were more intentional about your life?  What simple truths have you forgotten?  What does it take to make your daily present self wonderful? We, as human beings, either live in a past that is no longer ours or spend time trying to predict a future that may or may not ever happen. Let’s change the way we play the game.

Simplicity is the key to this.  Reconnect with yourself, your day, your minute and don’t make things so damn complex.  Look for the opportunity to interact, to join us and get busy with being creative and connecting to what you want for yourself.