What's with the Pineapple?
Ep. 10 - An Industry in Purgatory
Justin and Emily are back from a week on Mackinac Island, you know, the #1 Island in the Continental U.S. and today’s episode shakes things up a bit by starting with a breakdown of this week’s Court of Claims ruling on the adopt-and-amend strategy for minimum wage and paid sick leave in 2018. The podcast then welcomes Patrick Theisen from KMC Strategies and American’s for a Modern Economy to discuss new approaches to doing business in the hospitality industry: the gig economy, portable benefits, telehealth, affordable housing and others. For the first time ever, a guest turns the table as Patrick asks the two hosts questions after doing his own research. And, as always, no guest gets out of sharing some sort of sports-related take that ends in an argument with Justin.