What If World - Stories for Kids
Latest Episodes
Joseph asks: What if you found a red crystal with mysterious powers? (G&G 19)
Zachimedes, Turtock, and Skullen Bones are on the search for Lowlandra, when they find a mysterious crystal that could be a major threat to the land of Berend. Their journey leads them to a mystical volcano and some incredible discoveries. Lessons include
Winnie asks: What if board games could play themselves?
Winnie Winnie Worm Worm and Leo Riggelo go all the way to Lost Wegas in search of a place where they can play games without being judged.Lessons include: toys and games dont have to be designated for girls and boys; playing with new and different kids i
Adella asks: What if Fred went to Iceland and his tongue kept getting stuck on the ice?
Fred the Dog is on a mission to find everyone who got lost on What Is World after the Time Vortex. Can he learn to accept the help he needs, or will he just keep licking ice and getting stuck?Lessons include: its okay to accept help; kids are not respon
David asks: What if Candy the Kid and his Butterscotch Boots were trapped on Mars?
When Candy the Kids parents ask him to stop his wandering ways and work for them, he runs away, but he ends up trapped on Mars!Lessons include: It can be hard to say how we feel, but your loved ones will always listen; connection and curiosity guide us
Peter asks: What if grownups wore diapers and kids wore underwear? (w/ Mick Sullivan)
Mick Sullivan visits What If Worldor should we say, Cthunkle Land? Can Mick endure the many strange rides of the cephalopod-themed amusement park, all while wearing a diaperLessons include: Originality isnt about doing something entirely new, its abo
Bruno asks: What if dinosaurs were alive today?
The episode is a fun story-telling activity, and theres even a What If Story tossed in as a demonstration.Lessons include: we are all capable of telling each other fun stories; even the greatest treasure in the world cant replace all of lifes simple j
Alex & Anastasia ask: What if Cthunkle had an identity crisis? (G&G 18)
Swansong, Lowlandra, and Sir Loth of Hoth take on the Dessert Desert and the Cinnamon Citadel on their journey to save Zach, Zizi, and Scully the Squid.Lessons include: Grownups cant protect their kids from everything; creative problem solving is always
Porter asks: What if you got trapped in Guilds & Goblins? (G&G 17)
Poppa Loo, Mamma Jamma, and Lola Rabbit are on a mission to save their friends and family from a strange game with unfamiliar rules. Can they learn to work together?Lessons include: When playing a new game, try to respect the tone and learn the rules; vi
Cal asks: What if all the dragons, dinosaurs, spiders and snakes had a big party? (w/ Miss Karen)
After the Time Vortex, everything was supposed to go back to normal. Or maybe all the monsters were supposed to end up having a party at Mr. Eric and Miss Karens houseLessons include: Having guests and being a guest can both be challenging; checking in
Eddie asks: What if you could get your wants before your needs? (w/ Craig Martinston)
With your powers combined with TIGERS!!! Craig Martinson, creator of the What If World theme, is our special guest this week, and helps us introduce the Tigermon Universe ;)Lesson: All the awesome adventures in the world wont be very enjoyable if you