What Are We Even Doing Here?

What Are We Even Doing Here?

Latest Episodes

Romans 1:13-17 Shameless Power
October 10, 2022

Once again had to opportunity to worship with the saints at Faith Bible OPC in Brick NJ. I was honored to exhort this sermon in the evening service. May it bless and encourage you. Faith Bible OPC https://www.faithbibleopc.org/contact-usHelp me train

God is Good! Why is There Evil?
September 29, 2022

In this episode I read from a short paper I wrote for my Doctrine of God class last semester. In the beginning of the course, I had to come up with a question about God that we would hear from a member of a congregation. I picked this question that you wi

Are You Ashamed?
September 02, 2022

Are you ashamed of the gospel? Do you share this good news with friends, family, neighbors, and strangers? What stops you? What stops me? Fear of man? Love of self? We need not be ashamed. We have the words of eternal life. Let us not be ashamed to share

Why Say “Christians, Sleep Well” And Not Other Faiths?
August 25, 2022

Recently someone asked why I make videos saying, "Christians, sleep well tonight," and I don't tell people of other faiths to sleep well. On this episode I answer the question. Christian Podcast Communityhttp://christianpodcastcommunity.orgThe Episod

Exodus 6:1-13 Sermon 2.0
August 18, 2022

Here is a sermon on Exodus 6:1-13 that I exhorted at Faith OPC in Elmer,NJ. I know I posted a sermon on this text a few weeks ago but this one has some changes. I was encouraged to make some changes by my preaching professor after I preached this for clas

Cleansed From All Unrighteousness
August 05, 2022

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.But if we walk in the light, as he

Believe The Promise of Yahweh
July 28, 2022

I recently had the honor of exhorting Exodus 6:1-13 at River of Life OPC in Philippisburg, NJ. I hope this will bless you and you will look to the LORD and His name and promise can be trusted.River of Life OPChttps://www.riveroflifeopc.org/Christian

Special Guest Sermon by Mark Popovitch
July 21, 2022

Here is a special episode sharing a sermon on 1 Kings 16:29-17:1. This is a much needed message in our current times. I pray it blesses you as it did me. Let Mark know how it blessed you on his twitter. Christian Podcast Community http://christianpodcas

Brief Musing On The Trinity
July 14, 2022

On this short episode I discuss a few things that I have been learning in my Doctrine of God class about the Trinity. What an amazing God we serve. We should learn, discuss, and think more of the Triune God. Christians Podcast Community http://christian

Our Minds Are Messed Up
July 07, 2022

On this short episode I briefly talk about how much sin messes with our minds. Christian Podcast Communityhttp://christianpodcastcommunity.orgTwitter@DarylUpdike@WhatAreWeEvenD1Help support my seminary training.http://dupdike.wtstuition.com