What The Dog Nose

What The Dog Nose

WTDN 1: Welcome to the Podcast, What The Dog Nose!

June 07, 2018

Welcome to episode 1 of What The Dog Nose!

This is the pilot episode where you will learn a little bit about me and how I got started in truffle hunting with my dogs.

In future episodes, you can expect to learn about canine scent detection (sniffer dogs), listen to truffle hunting stories, and gain insight into the dynamic relationship we share with animals. Each episode will also include a Games & Observations segment so you can apply what you learn.

Have a question for me? I'd love to hear from you! Ask me your question using the hashtag #AskWhatTheDogNose on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Because a podcast is a one-sided conversation, I encourage you to join my Facebook group, What The Dog Nose, to participate in discussions.

Other places you can find me: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Thank you for spending time with me here!

~ Kristin