What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up

Latest Episodes

The Comeback Episode
October 12, 2019

We’re back! We catch up on our lives, talk about marijuana, and try to figure out what it’s like to work in the cultural and financial behemoth of football. Article featured: “Calvin Johnson Doesn’t Regret a Thing,” by Michael Rosenberg. Sep. 20th 2019. h

Should you follow your passion?
February 26, 2019

At some point in your career, someone might have told you that the secret to “happiness” and “success” is to follow your passion. But is that actually the case? What does it mean to follow your passion, and what happens if your passion gets in the way of

It's All About Aptitude
January 25, 2019

  Can one test really help determine what you should do with your life? Are we born with talents that can guide our path if only we discover them?  In this semi-solo episode, I detail my experience taking several aptitude tests with the Johnson

No Expectations (Part 2)
January 25, 2019

Graham interviews my mom, Leslie. Then, we talk about our interviews, job stability in the gig economy, and John Wayne Gacy. Editor's Note: So, the audio in second half of the episode is off (Graham reacts quickly/talks over me or I respond slowly, either

No Expectations (Part 1)
January 25, 2019

The saga begins with part 1 of a 2-part series exploring the expectations that affect us via interviewing a person that's close to each other.We (try to) explain the concept/experiment guiding the show.Ryan interviews one of Graham's best friends, Jody