Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast

Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast

Mike Thomas – Episode #375 – Titleist

April 04, 2023

On episode #375 of the Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast, we chat with Mike Thomas, PGA Professional and father of Justin Thomas. Mike takes us through how he got started in the game of golf, his family ties to golf, and much more.

Mike is a consummate professional and has been an instrumental part of growing the game for the younger audience. All of which he applied towards his son Justin. Additionally, Mike tells us some of the keys of what to do and what not to do with your child in the game of golf.

For Justin's entire life, Mike has been his coach. Mike takes us through his process of being a coach, father, friend, etc., as well as his philosophies behind it all. All of this couldn't have been done without Titleist, who Mike has been a part of the Titleist family through his career. All of which leads us to the evolution of Titleist product throughout Mike's career and the importance of fitting for your Titleist clubs.

A very special thank you to Titleist for setting up this interview. Take a listen to our interview with Mike here. To find a store location near you to check out the latest gear from Titleist, click here!

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