Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast

Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast

Rapsodo MLM2 Pro – Justin Bryant – Episode #386

September 28, 2023

On episode #386 of the Worldwide Golf Shops Insider Podcast, we chat with Justin Bryant, Golf Community Manager for Rapsodo Golf about the new MLM2 Pro Launch Monitor.

In this episode, Justin tells us about his role with Rapsodo, what Rapsodo does in all sports, and what is new with the new MLM2 Pro unit. Not only does Justin take us through the features and benefits, but he walks us through the though process behind what the pros currently do with data drove and how it inspired the data points the MLM2 Pro gathers . From prior generation models, Rapsodo has put additional focus and emphasis in design, technology, benefits, data and much more to take the MLM2 Pro to another level.

Take a listen to our interview with Justin here. Click here to see the latest gear from Rapsodo!

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