Audio Sermons – Westwood Church of Christ

Audio Sermons – Westwood Church of Christ

Why Send Ananias? – SFW25

March 10, 2015

This is the 5th lesson from our Spring 2015 Gospel meeting with speaker Johnie Edwards.
In this lesson Bro. Edwards examines carefully the conversion of the Apostle Paul who was taught by a Christian named Ananias.
Key Passage: Acts 9:10-11
There was no need to send Ananias to Paul IF….
1.  Some people are too evil to be saved.  (Acts 22:19-20,  Galatians 1:13)
2. Keeping the law of Moses is sufficient. (Acts 22:3)
3. Being religious was all that was necessary. (Galatians 1:13-14, Acts 23:6)
4. If an individual is saved by just praying.  (Acts 9:11)
5. If being well-educated is all that’s required. (Acts 26:24)
6. If just being zealous is all one needs.  (Acts 22:3)
7. Just having a good conscience is all that is required.  (Acts 26:9)
So Why Send for Ananias?
1. Paul had something he MUST DO.   (Acts 22:10, Acts 22:16)