Sharing Knowledge Series

Sharing Knowledge Series

Succession Planning: How to ensure your business will thrive without you - Sharing Knowledge Series Episode 19

November 02, 2022

The thought of retirement or what’s next for you and your business is intimidating. But like many big decisions you make throughout your career, thoughtful planning will help set you up for success. That’s why in our 19th episode of the Sharing Knowledge Series, host Kevin Vonderau, chief lending officer at Westfield Bank, sits down with Gary D. Sirak, CLU®, ChFC®, president of Sirak Financial Services and author of How to Retire and Not Die: The 3 Ps That Will Keep You Young and Mark Dorman, AIF, CLU®, ChFC®, CFBS, CEPA, president & CEO of Legacy Business Advisors Ohio and Contributor to Forbes Business Council.

In this episode, Kevin, Gary, and Mark discuss considerations and factors that impact personal retirement, business perpetuation, and succession planning.

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