The Wesleyan Potluck-Wesleyan News and Commentary

The Wesleyan Potluck-Wesleyan News and Commentary

Making Space to Think, An Australian Interview, and Afflictions: The Wesleyan Potluck Episode 7

February 10, 2017

Welcome to episode 7 of the Wesleyan Potluck:  here’s a rundown of what we’ll be covering today:

In the Lineup we’ll be talking about making space to think and dream...

The meal will feature an interview with Australian Pastor Nathan Bell

The Dessert Table will feature a great John Wesley quote to chew on,

and the cleanup is where we will tell you how to become a part of the Potluck community.

The LIneup

When do you make space to think and dream…

Tim:  Traveling, alone time is big for me. Life Cycle app - 1st week of Feb - 23 hours of traveling. Month of Jan, close to 50 hours. I find that if I am purposeful about what goes in, I can have a spring board of thoughts. I’ll listen to the Bible, listen to podcasts. However, for me, nothing is better than a run to clear it all.

Heath-Drive Time, Gym Time, Day Off, Re-did my home office to have a place to sit, read, think and write

I had 27 hours of driving last week.

The Meal-Interview

Nathan Bell - Hills Church, Brisbane, Australia

The Dessert Table:

“Even in the greatest afflictions, we ought to testify to God, that, in receiving them from his hand, we feel pleasure in the midst of the pain, from being afflicted by Him who loves us, and whom we love.”

John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection (Foundations of Faith)

Deeper than your Pain by Josh LeRoy

The Cleanup

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