Well Traveled Wellness Podcast | Maximum Performance, Minimum Fuss

Well Traveled Wellness Podcast | Maximum Performance, Minimum Fuss

Podcast #65: Selwyn Griffith on Bridging Medicine to Performance and Exponentially Weighted Load Monitoring

March 02, 2017

Selwyn Griffith is Rehabilitation and Strength and Conditioning Coach at the Brisbane Lions of the Australian Football League. In addition to being a qualified Osteopath, Selwyn’s broad skillsets provides a unique perspective bridging medicine and performance in elite sport.
In this interview we cover the newest advances in load monitoring and management, how performance and medical staffs can best work together, jump profiling and sport-specific demands, and where our focus should be as practitioners. 

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

* What load monitoring practices are cutting the edge in AFL
* The best ways for sports science staffs to look after athletes together
* How to address the sport and athlete individually to reduce injuries

Featured On The Show:

* Selwyn on Twitter
* The Boys In The Boat 
* Exponentially Weighted Workload Monitoring from Nick Murray 
* Maharishi: The Man Who Evolved The Beatles

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