A Wellbeing Awakening with Lisa M Pepe, CWC

Controlling Others
Trying to control others can actually harm your health and wellbeing...
This is a Wellbeing Card Reading about controlling others from my Abraham Hicks Wellbeing Card deck
When you try to control others and you feel upset, friction or frustration, step back and think it through
If you continuously worry about what someone else is doing, step back and try to figure out why
When you find yourself wanting to push someone into another direction, step back and check your motive
Instead of just worrying about it, come up with plan A, B & C so you're not so attached to the outcome
Making a suggestion and giving an opinion is ok, but be sure to let go
Know that not everyone will want to work with you in doing what you want the way you want it
Work on creating for yourself and refrain from the urge to try to control others because it will only stress you out!
For weekly wellbeing readings and intuitive guidance training, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom Circle for Women. You can join monthly or purchase one session at www.lisampepe.com/groupcoaching.
In the mean time, watch my video below for a more in-depth look at how to handle the urge to control others...
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