A Wellbeing Awakening with Lisa M Pepe, CWC

A Wellbeing Awakening with Lisa M Pepe, CWC

Wellness Pillars

April 17, 2020

How to Strengthen Your Wellness Pillars... 
Wellness Pillars can keep you sane and sturdy during stressful times. Physical, Mental and Spiritual wellness are the 3 areas of wellness that I feel are the most important to keep balanced.
The First Pillar is Physical Wellness which can compose of many things, but the base should be nutrition.  Eating foods that give you essential vitamins and minerals is imperative.  Make sure that you're buying and consuming as many whole foods as you can to be as nutritionally sound as possible. I also always recommend a really good multiple vitamin (please schedule a Personal Coaching Session to go over your options) and I also like to bump things up a notch with extra vitamin D, C, B-Complex and more.
The next part of the Physical Wellness Pillar is eating what's good for you and staying away from what's not so good...
Watch/read more about how to strengthen your Wellness Pillars below...

Strengthen Your Wellness Pillars Cont'd...
I know when I eat something that I'm sensitive to, it wreaks havoc on my body! There are quite a few things I react to and I try to stay away from them.  I recommend you give it a try - Cut out something you suspect is bothering you.  Once you do this, I'm sure you will feel better and may even lower some inflammation in your body!

We also need to move our body - AKA: exercise!  Walk, run, jog, or just do jumping jacks in the living room!  Whatever you do, please be sure to mix it up a bit.  You want to use different muscles and not get used to just one form of body movement to get the best results.  Physical activity can even help to boost our mood!

The Second Wellness Pillar is Mental Wellness.  We all go through some form of mental instability at one time or another.  If you are feeling mentally off balance at any time, please be sure you reach out to your medical professional or health care practitioner right away!  There are many therapists and tele-health resources where you can talk to someone who can help you.  You can also call friends, family or get in a group or two for support. Exercise and getting proper nutrition can help your mental wellness, but if you feel depressed or down, be sure to reach out for help!

The third Wellness Pillar is Spiritual!  No matter what your religion, what your beliefs are, you can tap into something bigger than yourself.  Get out of your head and tap into the expanse of the sky, ocean, mountains, rolling hills, woods, etc.  Tap into the energy that is all around and it can help you feel better.  Mother nature is our friend (though some forget this often) and without her, we don't exist.  I hope we can be good to her in the future!

Keep your Wellness Pillars strong so they don't crumble!  We all need to be strong for ourselves and each other!  Without strong physical, mental and spiritual pillars, we'll fall apart - And we don't need (or want) that!  Take a deep breath.... Go out in nature... Stay calm... Eat right... Exercise... Reach out... Send Good Energy... and Be Well!

Below are a few other ways I can help you with your wellness and well-weight goals:
-- FREE GIFT – Get my Wellness-Weight-Wisdom Audio Series & more goodies by registering HERE
-- For help with overcoming a weight-loss obstacle,