The @edmovius3 Podcast
Latest Episodes
WLNx7 - Squashing Excuses +
Have you have ever felt nervous or intimidated going into a new gym? Don’t be. Most people at the gym feel the same way you do. I dive into some close to the heart stuff this episode including how often you should weigh yourself, my weight loss journey
WLNx6 - New Year: Do It NOW
I dive into some things I’ve been pondering this week. Instead of jumping into your New Years resolution on the 1st of the year, why wait?!? Go now, improve now. I also discuss stomach changes from eating too much or too little food and my recommendatio
WLNx5 - My Weight Loss Update
Here’s a little update of my weight-loss journey as of December 3, 2017, as far as breaking my fat loss plateau and which steps I took in order to crack it. Please subscribe and hook me up with a solid review
WLNx4 - Lose It! App Review
A look into the Lose It! App on Google Play/Android platforms and iTunes App Store on Apple platforms. Also I throw out there today’s Protein Shake Recipe. Go to to connect with my other forms of stellar content and connect with me directly
WLN 3 - Hunger Hacks / Shake Recipe
I dive into some Hunger Hacks that I’ve been using for a while now. This in lieu of my instagram post that I put up on the 27th of November, 2017, with a graphic and a long explanation. If you’re looking for it search edmovius3 in Instagram and the po
WLN 2 - Pre/Post-Workout, DailyRegimen
5 - Pre Workout Needs? • 6 - Post Workout • 4- Workout Regimen 11/20/17