We Have Darkvision

We Have Darkvision

Genies- Monster Friends

January 18, 2022

Your wish has come true! We're finally doing the Genie episode! Oh, what's that? Your final wish wasn't for us to talk about these all powerful beings from the elemental planes?

Well fine. Whatever. Genies don't really cast wishes anyway. I mean, they can grant wishes, but it's not really that big of a part of their lives. Aladdin really blew that part of out proportion.

Also, genies very rarely live in lamps. And half of them are evil. Genies are an interesting creature in that, probably everything you think you know about them is right, but only kind of right. And there's a ton that might surprise you. For example, did you know that there are 4 types of Genies?

So come give the episode a listen and then let us know what you think. Are Genies friends or fiends?