#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

How Christine Yi and Felicity Chen Balance Each Other as Co-Founders of Potli

November 11, 2020

They'd spent their childhoods 15 miles away from each other in the Bay Area, but it took Boston University pairing the two as random roommates for them to meet. That was their first lucky moment, but the path that led Felicity Chen and Christine Yi to co-found Potli was a mix of lucky moments like that and real, inspiring, hard work.

After graduation, Chen returned to the Bay are to discover that her dad had picked up a hobby to help with her mom's asthma: he was bee-keeping in the family's back yard.

For Chen, that was a big "aha" when she realized that she "wanted to put some weed into honey" to make it easier for her mom to conceptualize eating a product like that.

While the two dreamed of their future company, Chen built a resume while doing business development for tech juggernauts and Yi honed her skills as a management consultant focusing on entertainment.

Today, Potli creates olive oils, chili oils, and different skews of honey - including their new Dream Honey, made with CBD, CBN, a pinch of THC (if you're buying in California) and melatonin. And that honey, by the way, is still harvested from Chen's family home.

Potli is a food company or a cannabis company, depending on the angle from which you're looking. They make "multi-tasking products," Yi said. "Really meticulously sourced, beautifully, minimally processed raw ingredients and then infuse them with health products like cannabis."

On this week's episode, you'll hear all about the goals that took this pair from friends to inspired entrepreneurs.


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