#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

How Robert Brace, Former Ballet Dancer, Took the Leap into Full-Time Fitness

January 22, 2020

Robert Brace is, to say the least, a man of many interests. A London-born former ballet dancer, he now resides in New York as the founder of Brace Life Studios. His nickname in the wellness world? The "Mind-Body-Soul Connector," from his deep understanding and critical thinking on the ways our brains, bodies, and spirituality interact and influence each other.

On this episode of #WeGotGoals, you'll hear Robert and his delightful British accent describe his life-altering back injury, the viral stunt that made him a celebrity overnight, and why his incredibly huge future goal is so important to him.

Notes from the episode:

  • 4:10: We hear how Robert got to New York from London and the back injury that changed his life.
  • 11:15: We hear Robert's big goal he's achieved from the past: opening his own fitness studio, which came from a dream of having a place of his own to put his philosophy into practice. Plus, how his background as a minister helps him meet people where they're at.
  • 13:15: The viral publicity stunt that put Robert (and his abs) on the map.
  • 15:55: We get into (a lack of) diversity in the wellness industry and how Robert's community at Brace Life Studios is providing space for women of color specifically.
  • 18:10: Robert digs into what the "mind-body-soul" connection is and how soulfulness fits into physical movement.
  • 26:50: We talk about the BodySense class at Brace Life Studios and how instructors integrate mindfulness into class programming.
  • 31:35: How Robert gives generously by sharing the principles of healthy living with underserved communities.
  • 36:15: Robert's big goal that he's working towards right now: creating a mind-body-soul movement that transcends him. No big deal. We dive into what that means and why he's so passionate about that goal (plus, an interesting interpretation of the "your body is a temple" phrase we've all heard before).
  • 39:38: Robert's perspective on Jillian Michaels and her comments about Lizzo—plus what most critics have missed about this interaction.

Links we mentioned:

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