Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word

Latest Episodes

50 Matthew 9:18-26 The bleeding woman
August 10, 2022

Jesus asked, "Who touched me?" In a metaphorical way, he asks it still. You can try to touch his robe and then run away. But if you do, you're missing the greatest gift of all: salvation.

49 Matthew 9:14-17 Fasting, cloth & wine skins
August 03, 2022

In these stories, Jesus challenges the religious culture and practices of the Pharisees, not the Old Testament. His understanding is so fundamentally incompatible with the Pharisees that if he tried

48 Matthew 9:9-13 Eating with sinners
July 27, 2022

Jesus sat and ate among the tax collectors with the message, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand and that is a message we do well to share. The most loving thing we can do is to help people deal

47 Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus heals the Paralytic
July 20, 2022

Jesus demonstrates that he has authority from God to forgive sins by calling upon the power of God to heal the paralytic. In addition to the faith of the paralytic, the miracles support our faith by

46 Matthew 8:28-34 Demons & Pigs
July 13, 2022

When Jesus heals the demoniacs, we learn Jesus has God-given authority over the powers of darkness and evil.  In the last podcast, we saw that Jesus has God-given authority over the power of nature. 

45 Matthew 8:23-27 Jesus calms the storm
June 29, 2022

When he calms the storm, we learn Jesus brings the power of God to rescue His people from the vast destructive forces of nature. The miracles of Jesus have a message: Jesus brings the mercy of God fo

44 Matthew 8:18-22 Foxes and Funerals
June 22, 2022

Matthew introduces us to two potential disciples. One says: "I will follow Jesus if it pays off now."  The other says: "Now is paying off, I’ll follow Jesus later." The opportunity to decide to foll

43 Matthew 8:14-17 Jesus heals, fulfilling Isaiah
June 15, 2022

Through these miraculous healing, Jesus physically demonstrates that he came to rescue us from our ultimate suffering which is rooted in our sin and our guilt. 

42 Matthew 7:28-8:13 Authority of Jesus
June 08, 2022

Matthew has just quoted Jesus as claiming to have authority from God. Now he turns our attention to how Jesus acts with God's authority, by performing miracles only God can perform. These miracles c

04 Sabbath: Did Jesus change the Sabbath?
April 27, 2022

How did Jesus had to our understanding of what should we do or not do on the Sabbath? He taught that Sabbath is a rest that is given, not earned, and that our “job” is to enjoy it, not to live up to