Wednesday in the Word
Latest Episodes
Understanding Parables
Parables are serious theology. But they are metaphorical theology. They teach through metaphor, simile, and dramatic action rather than through logic or reasoning, drawing us into the story.
Once a believer, always a believer?
Can I resist the working of God’s grace in my life to the point where I am no longer saved?
Do I choose God or does God choose me?
You may never have thought this question through. You may be inconsistent in how you live it out. But how you answer some basic theological questions makes a world of difference in daily life.
12 James 5:12-20 Physically ill or spiritually weak?
The main theme of James is that faith devoid of works is not real faith and won't save anyone. The Reformers used the language: "we are justified by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone." Fa
11 James 5:1-11 Worldliness and Riches
In 5:1-11, James begins the conclusion of the book which is a call to repentance. As he calls for repentance, he returns to his 2 main examples of the kind of change repentance should bring about in o
10 James 4:7-17 Draw Near to God
Fights and quarrels among believers are symptoms of a deeper problem of leaning on earthly wisdom rather than seeking God's wisdom.
09 James 3:13-4:6 The Cause of Strife
Operating with earthly wisdom comes easy and naturally to us. We have to seek God to gain godly wisdom. How, then, do we gain it?
08 James 3:1-12 Warnings to Teachers
Since Bible teachers presume to explain the word of God to others, James warns them to seriously consider the responsibility before seeking the job.
07 James 2:21-26 Do James and Paul agree, Part 2
James 2:21-26 is the second half of the "problem" passage where it appears that the Apostles James and Paul disagree about how we are justified. The key to resolving the apparent contradiction is con
06 James 2:14-20 Do James and Paul agree?
James and Paul appear to contradict each other because they use the same vocabulary: faith, works and justification. Plus they both appeal to Abraham. But they use the same language in very different