Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word

Latest Episodes

05 1Corinthians 1:26-31 Consider your calling
May 29, 2019

As he discusses this issue of changing the gospel message to make it more attractive to the world, Paul says let’s consider what happened when I first preached the gospel to you in Corinth. Let’s consider your calling. What we can learn from it? Our boast

04 1Corinthians 1:18-25 Wisdom of the world
May 22, 2019

Paul argues that those who live in rebellion to God will see the cross as foolishness. There’s no way to spin the gospel to change that. If you re-package the gospel to make it attractive to rebels, it is no longer the gospel. Lecture notes: https://www.w

03 1Corinthians 1:13-17 Is Baptism necessary?
May 15, 2019

As part of the deeper issues of why factions are developing in the Corinthian church, Paul tells us he's grateful that he baptized few people in Corinth. His discussion gives us a window into the place of baptism. Lecture notes: https://www.wednesdayinthe

02 1Corinthians 1:10-13 Division in the church
May 08, 2019

The first issue Paul tackles is division in the church. But he’s more interested in the reasons why the factions are developing. We have 3 kinds of clues which reveal the deeper issue Paul wants to discuss. Lecture notes:

01 1Corinthians 1:1-9 Themes and greetings
May 01, 2019

In the greeting of 1 Corinthians, Paul introduces 3 themes of the letter: 1) Paul is an authoritative emissary for Jesus Christ; 2) God chose Paul for this role; and 3) speech and knowledge are gifts from God that we ought to view wisely. We’ll also contr

Acts 18 Paul in Corinth
April 24, 2019

Acts 18 records Paul's first visit to Corinth. Understanding Paul's relationship to the Corinthian church is crucial to understanding his letters to Corinth. Lecture notes: ? Teacher: Krisan Marotta Serie

11 1 John 5:13-21 Confidence in the Gospel
April 17, 2019

John’s conclusion is you can have confidence about three things: 1) that you have eternal LIFE, 2) that your sin cannot jeopardize that LIFE and 3) that his gospel message is true. Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan

10 1 John 4:20-5:12 These 3 Testify: Water,Blood & Spirit
April 10, 2019

John tells us genuine believers will confess that Jesus is the Christ — the Jesus who was confirmed by three witnesses: “water”, “blood” and “the Spirit.” Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan Marotta Series: 1 John: D

09 1 John 4:7-19 Perfect Love
April 03, 2019

The apostle John explains why self-sacrificing love is a mark of a believer. In a nutshell, self-sacrificing love (as exemplified by the cross) is part of God’s holy character and God is in the process of giving us His character. Lecture notes: https://ww

08 1 John 4:1-6 Marks of False Teachers
March 27, 2019

The Apostle John says we can identify false prophets two ways: by the content of what they say (4:2) and by the origin of what they say (4:6). Lecture notes: Teacher: Krisan Marotta Series: 1 John: Discerning the