Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word

Latest Episodes

10 Do you see anything? Mark 8:11-26
August 01, 2020

The passage contains several questions which all revolve around seeing and not seeing, culminating with Jesus asking a blind man if he sees anything.

09 Don’t you understand? Mark 7:1-23
July 29, 2020

Jesus asks this question of his disciples. He highlights a specific area of concern: what makes a person unclean?

08 How many loaves do you have? Mark 6:30-46
July 26, 2020

The feeding of the 5000 is the only story — other than Jesus’ last week on earth — which is found in all 4 gospels. It is mentioned in several other passages as well. Even though it’s part of a famili

07 Why do you weep? Mark 5:35-43
July 25, 2020

As we journey through Mark, the evidence is mounting that Jesus is the Messiah. First, he claimed to have the authority to forgive sins. Then we saw him deal with an overwhelming external storm and an

06 Who touched me? Mark 5:21-34
July 24, 2020

This question is addressed to the woman whose period didn’t end for 12 years. She was ritually unclean, isolated, sick and living a life that was going from bad to worse with no hope on the horizon. S

05 What is your name? Mark 5:1-20
July 22, 2020

This question is addressed to the legion of demons who are tormenting the man in the graveyard, and it is asked in the presence of the disciples. Why would Jesus care about the name?

04 Why are you so afraid? Mark 4:35-41
July 19, 2020

Perhaps the most difficult question that skeptics ask is the question of suffering. How can God be all-powerful and all-loving and allow His people to live in tragedy and anguish? The disciples ask "

03 Good or evil, life or death? Mark 2:23-3:6
July 18, 2020

Mark 2:23-3:6 contains two stories back-to-back about the sanctity of the Sabbath. In the first story, the Pharisees accuse the disciples of Jesus of breaking the Sabbath. In the second story, Jesus t

02 What’s easiest to say? Mark 2:1-12
July 15, 2020

This passage contains two questions addressed to the Pharisees when the paralyzed man was lowered through his roof. Jesus challenges them, asking whether they serve a Lord who forgives and delights in

01 Introduction to the Gospel of Mark
July 12, 2020

Have you ever wondered why Jesus would ask a question, especially one he already knows the answer to? Divine questions are meant to be answered on a deeper level.