Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word

Latest Episodes

06 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: A New Heart
October 14, 2020

Like the New Testament, the Old Testament speaks about the need for God to spiritually renew us and change our hearts; And, like the New Testament, the Old Testament associates this spiritual renewal with the Spirit of God. But there is only one really cl

06 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: A New Heart
October 14, 2020

Both the Old and New Testaments speak about the need for God to spiritually renew us and change our hearts. Both associate this spiritual renewal with the Spirit of God. But there is only one really

05 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Prophets
October 07, 2020

Most of the Old Testament references to the Holy Spirit involve his work empowering the leaders of Israel to protect the nation. But a second way we see the Spirit of God working in the Old Testament is giving revelation to the prophets. Passages: Numbers

05 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Prophets
October 07, 2020

Most of the Old Testament references to the Holy Spirit involve his work empowering the leaders of Israel to protect the nation. But a second way we see the Spirit of God working in the Old Testament

04 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Judges & Kings
September 30, 2020

One of the main themes in the Old Testament regarding the Holy Spirit is that God empowers Israel’s leaders through His Spirit to bless the nation and keep His covenant promises. Passages: Isaiah 63:7-14; Judges 3:7-11; 1Samuel 16:13-14; Psalm 51. Season

04 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Judges & Kings
September 30, 2020

One of the main themes in the Old Testament regarding the Holy Spirit is that God empowers Israel’s leaders through His Spirit to bless the nation and keep His covenant promises.

03 Holy Spirit: Revelation vs Understanding
September 23, 2020

In 1Corinthians 2, we learn two of the most important works of the Spirit: 1) The Spirit reveals the thoughts of God to His chosen messengers. This is revelation. 2) The Spirit gives understanding to all believers so that we embrace the claims of the gosp

03 Holy Spirit: Revelation vs.understanding
September 23, 2020

In 1Corinthians 2, we learn two more important works of the Spirit: 1) The Spirit reveals the thoughts of God to His chosen messengers. This is revelation. 2) The Spirit gives understanding to all be

02 Holy Spirit: Universal vs Individual
September 16, 2020

1Corinthians 12 teaches an important distinction between the type of work the Holy Spirit does. The “universal” work of the Holy Spirit is a work that he does for all believers to bring about the inner transformation of faith. The “individual” works of th

02 Holy Spirit: Universal vs Individual
September 16, 2020

1Corinthians 12 teaches an important distinction between the type of work the Holy Spirit does. The “universal” work of the Holy Spirit is a work that he does for all believers to bring about the inn