Wedlake Bell DPO Radio

Wedlake Bell DPO Radio


December 23, 2021

1.    ICO fines Cabinet Office £500,000 for disclosing addresses of 2020 the New Year Honours recipients (link).


2.    Draft EU directive on improving working conditions in platform work (link).


3.    UK Government's Roadmap to an effective AI assurance ecosystem (link).


4.    EDPB on the interplay between GDPR's extraterritoriality and data transfer provisions (link).


5.    Wiesbaden court orders university to stop using a cookie consent management platform because of transfers of data to the US due to the use of Akamai Content Delivery Network services (link).


6.    Updated guidance on data transfers and EU SCCs from the Baden-Württemberg authority in Germany (link).


7.    Information Commissioner’s Opinion: Data protection and privacy expectations for online advertising proposals (link).


8.    CJEU's C‑102/20 in StWL v. eprimo GmbH on inbox advertising (link).


9.     Advertising Platform OpenX has been fined $2 Million for breaching Children’s Privacy Law (link).


10. EDPB statement on the Digital Services Package and Data Strategy (link).


11. Proposal for a European regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising (link).


12. NHS Business Authority v Information Commissioner & Spivack [2021] UKUT 192 (AAC) (link)


13. Council of Europe recommendation on automatic processing of personal data in the context of profiling (link).