The Web Video Marketing Show

The Web Video Marketing Show

#21: 7 Key Principles for Video Editing

August 20, 2013

Today, Ryan Spanger is joined by Nick Hancock as the Web Video Marketing Show discusses their 7 Key Principles for Video Editing.
Their key points are:

* To take people on a ride [02:07]. As Ryan explains, "people want to be taken on an exciting ride." Editing is not a "linear truth", and it is the role of the editor to manipulate the viewer in to living and breathing the story.
* Why it is important to build and release tension - and how you can include this in your editing [05:00]. So much of life is about tension and release, and you can incorporate this into your editing. Discover how to engage the viewer with "anticipation and fulfilment", and what John Landis had to say about this in "The Kentucky Fried Movie".
* The practice of cutting from wide to close [10:58]: why it is an important editing convention - and when it's important to break it!
* The need for "trial and error" [16:03]. Or, as Ryan puts it, "why we're in the best age of editing ever!" What stops people from moving from being a good editor to being a great editor? Why is editing a lot like childbirth? And why does Ryan encourage editors to "treat themselves like mad scientists in a laboratory?"
* The philosophy of "creating meaning through shot selection". [22:26] Have you heard of Sergei Eisenstein? What is the "Odessa Steps Sequence", and what does "montage" have to do with it? Ryan explains how "it's not the shot itself that carries its own inherent meaning, but you get to add that meaning in the edit."
* How editing is just one long series of choices, [26:19] and how can you make those choices better. Why is it important not to stress over the small details? What is "idealised perfection", and why is "a film is never finished, it's abandoned"?
* Why it's essential to follow the Three Act Structure. [29:25] What comprises the three act structure, and why does it make Ryan's life as a documentary filmmaker easier?
* And one bonus tip that'll leave you standing! [32:44]

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