Weather of the Mind

Weather of the Mind

Latest Episodes

To (Not) Know Your Place in the World. (A Brainstorm on Meaning)
August 07, 2019

Episode 043 Original Airdate: August 7, 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 20 minutes - How fundamental is our sense of mission?  Our sense of a meaningful niche in our world?  Is this the foundation of all emotional and spiritual health? -

Thank You to the Up Series
July 31, 2019

Episode #42 Original Airdate: July 31, 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 16 minutes - References: - 49 Up (2005) ITV 56 Up (2012) ITV "Gone So Long" by the Good Intentions

Vision Quest as Vacation – Part II – Interview with Tim Holmes
July 24, 2019

WM 041 - Vision Quest as Vacation- Part II of my interview with Tim Holmes Original Airdate: July 24th 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Guest: Tim Holmes - In this episode we hear about the 3rd of Tim's voyages,

Spiritual Wandering – An Interview with Tim Holmes (Part I)
July 17, 2019

Episode 40 Original Airdate: July 17, 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 32 minutes Guest: Tim Holmes - Music Sample: Buena Vista Social Club - In this interview, we explore the nature of spiritual wandering,

Contentment is Wealth – – (Try it out yourself!)
July 10, 2019

WM039 Original Airdate: July 10, 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 18 minutes - Notes: Tao Te Ching - Core text to Taoism Hua Hu Ching - Second Core text to Taoism - India's 'All is Well' Approach to Life - Charukesi Ramadurai http://www.

Generation to Generation
July 03, 2019

Episode 038 Produced by: Doug Krisch Original airdate: July 3 2019 Length: 14 minutes - References: - Antonie de Saint-Exupery  "Generation to Generation"

Summertime Bouillabaisse
June 26, 2019

Episode #37 Produced  by: Doug Krisch Length: 20 minutes - References: - Life of a Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke - by Ralph Freedman. - Orgullecida - Buenva Vista Social Club. -  

Refuges and Shelters
June 19, 2019

Episode #36 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 9 minutes - References: Gibran, Kahlil.  The Prophet.  1923 Young, Robyn. Buffalo Dreams. 1990 Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Rorschach and his Inkblots – How Important are they today? (Book Review)
June 12, 2019

Episode 35 Produced by: Doug Krisch Original Airdate: 12 June 2019 Length: 24 minutes - References: - Searls, Damion. The Inkblots: Hermann Rorschach, His Iconic Test, and The Power of Seeing. 2017. Crown Publishing. - Orgullecida.

Successes, Failures, and ________ (Doc Review – 56 Up)
June 05, 2019

Episode #34 Original Airdate: June 5, 2019 Produced by: Doug Krisch Length: 17 minutes - References: - 56 Up (2012) ITV "Gone So Long" by the Good Intentions