What Is It About The Weather

What Is It About The Weather

Latest Episodes

Is Weather Burning Your Lungs?
December 04, 2020

Have you ever felt like certain types of weather impact your ability to breath? How exactly does weather impact the ability to breath safely and efficiently?

Are We Thankful For Weather?
November 27, 2020

In this season of thanks and gratitude, are we grateful for the weather around us and its role in our life?

What Is Your Weather Data Worth?
November 20, 2020

In the world of 'big data' we have begun to analyze what our personal data is worth. Have you thought about your weather data?

Is Weather A Weapon?
November 13, 2020

We have talked before about weather modification, but is it feasible to modify weather in a way where it becomes a weapon?

Does Weather Bend or Break?
November 06, 2020

Exposure to air provides very visual reminders of its influence on metal, but how does weather impact this building block of the modern world?

Do Honeybees Make Good Weather Forecasters?
October 30, 2020

Honeybees like a good sunny day for gathering and pollinating, but can we use this as a way to forecast the weather?

Does Lightning Strike Twice?
October 23, 2020

Lightning may not strike twice but how about millions of times? Or is just twice enough to cause a curse?

What's Up With The Weather?
October 16, 2020

How does my weather situation change as I go vertical? Have you ever thought about the challenges you can face when you escape to higher altitudes?

Is Weather Making Me Sleepy?
October 09, 2020

Do you feel certain weather makes you sleepy or even keep you up at night? How exactly does weather impact the quality of our ZZZZZZZs?

What About Tiny Weather?
October 02, 2020

We often think about weather events as very large scale, but like many things both its origins and impacts can be microscopic.
