What Is It About The Weather

What Is It About The Weather

Latest Episodes

Weather At What Cost?
October 15, 2021

Okay time to run some budget numbers, let’s make sure we have all the categories - rent, utilities, food, transportation, weather, medical, insurance … wait a minute?

What Ratio Is Your Weather?
October 08, 2021

You know what they say, 60% of the time it works every time … but what in the world does that have to do with weather?!?

Does Weather Make Babies?
October 01, 2021

There went the lights, what a storm, where are the candles? Hmm, what about some wine, a little romantic music, and some … wait, wait, wait, this is a family friendly show

Did Victorian Forecasters Keep Weather In The Dark Ages?
September 24, 2021

Pain reduction, lowering blood pressure, reducing blood clot risks … leeches are amazing creatures, I wonder if they can forecast the weather?

Can You Make Weather Forecasts Better?
September 17, 2021

Got a lot done today, made some donations, got groceries for the next week, helped a neighbor remove a dead tree, but the forecast was for rain and it was a beautiful fall day. What can I do about th

Whether Weather Words Work?
September 10, 2021

How about that storm earlier, I think it was raining sharks and squids!

Do Sensationalist Forecasts Matter?
September 03, 2021

Let’s see here … New crypto currency … Messi and Ronaldo to play together for Atlanta United … Could quiche be the next diet craze? … 12 major hurricanes forecast for the hurricane season? … Wait,

What Is A Weather Survey?
August 27, 2021

Phone - check, laptop - check, map - check, tape measure - check, camera - check, paper clips???

How Powerful Are Weather Words?
December 18, 2020

How important are the words we choose related to weather? What emotional impacts can they have on us?

Weather What We Wear?
December 11, 2020

Look at all the items you used today. Have you ever thought about how weather influenced the process of creating it?