What Is It About The Weather

What Is It About The Weather

Latest Episodes

Did History Change Weather?
September 08, 2017

We have explored many cases of when weather changed history, but is it possible that history changed weather? We explore a well known event in the world’s history, the sailing of the HMS Beagle and its well known passenger … Charles Darwin.

Why Are You Politicizing The Weather?
September 01, 2017

On the heels of some very tragic weather related events, we ask why does weather get politicized? Is this a bad thing? Can it serve a positive purpose? Join the the conversation in the latest episode! Pick an option and support the Harvey (and Mumbai) ...

Do You Get Too Many Weather Forecasts?
August 25, 2017

How was your Eclipse experience? Did the eclipse change your weather? Was their too much hype around the eclipse? With high coverage from ‘weather’ oriented sources, are we seeing signs that people get too much input from weather folks?

What Do Weather Dreams Say About Me?
August 18, 2017

Do you dream about weather events? Have you ever wondered what it might be telling you? In this episode we explore the connection between your dreams, specifically weather dreams, and what your body and mind are trying to tell you or help you process.

Does Weather Make You An Anxious Flier?
August 11, 2017

The science that governs the weather also governs flight. No doubt that weather can contribute to the potential for problems when a plane takes to the sky, but how concerned should you be about it? One of the most common weather sensations we experienc...

Now Can I Get My Eclipse Forecast?
August 04, 2017

The great US solar eclipse is coming. One cloud could be the difference between a spectacular view and big disappointment. So is it time yet? Can I get my eclipse weather forecast? In short, NO! There are some things you can be thinking about to improv...

What If You Couldn’t Move?
July 28, 2017

How would you deal with weather if you couldn’t move? Imagine being stuck in the desert or an arctic region, not exactly the easiest weather in which to survive. Even close to home we experience weather that can be harsh and requires us to escape.

How Real Is Your Weather?
July 21, 2017

There has been a lot of buzz around the world of augmented and virtual reality over the last couple of years. What is the role in forecasting your weather? Increasing our understanding of the weather? How real can it make your weather?

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Iced Tea?
July 14, 2017

Air conditioning is a fairly ‘young’ invention.  While it seems we are becoming increasingly dependent on its availability, we have used many techniques for staying cool over human history.  From parasols to high ceilings to just a cool swim,

Will Weather Ignorance Kill You?!?
July 07, 2017

Tornadoes don’t go through cities. It’s a dry heat. It’s too cold to snow. Just a few common statements we have likely all heard and can put you in dangerous situations. Don’t be weather ignorant when it comes to your life.