Wake Up & Wise Up

Wake Up & Wise Up

034 Eric Nevins - Host of Half Way There

August 02, 2019

Wealth Transformation - Podcast

Show Notes: WTPC - Eric Nevins – The host of Half Way There


In this episode, Dr. Cheryl and Eric discuss:


Founder of Christian Podcasters Assoc.

The 8 Day Experience

The Wealth of being Spiritual


Key Takeaways:


How the 8 day Experience can help you

How God and Spirit are in your life in every day living

Being Grateful



Connect with: Eric Nevins

Facebook: Eric Nevins

Twitter: @EricDNevinsJr

Instagram: eric_nevins

Website: EricNevins.com

Email: eric@ericnevins.com

YouTube: Eric Nevins
LinkedIn: Eric Nevins



Connect with Dr. Cheryl: Wealth Transformation Podcast

Twitter: @cherylscheurer

Facebook: @CherylScheurer

Website: www.cherylscheurer.com/

Email:  drcherylscheurer@gmail.com

YouTube: Cheryl Scheurer

TV Show:  Comcast Channel 26 and U-Verse 99

Book: Wealth Transformation

LinkedIn: Cheryl Scheurer, Ph.D

BINGE NETWORKS TV: Wealth Transformation Channel


