Wealth and Law

Wealth and Law

Smart Business Growth

November 11, 2022

Brent chats with John Briggs about how companies can grow in a smart way. They discuss cash flow management, paying yourself, hiring, and how to build effective teams.

John is the CEO and Founder of Incite Tax and the author of Profit First For Microgyms. His theme is, “The IRS Sucks”, and business owners should keep more of their money to build long-term wealth. He has build an amazing team of Nontraditional accountants to help combat the IRS bullying. Through his 12+ years of Entrepreneurship he has learned that achieving a highly profitable business can be overwhelming, particularly with all the barriers and unknowns that new owners are forced to deal with. Entrepreneurs can quickly become stressed and burnt out, and often sadly give up on the mission that they set out for. In much the same way that the body needs blood to survive, a business needs cash, the lifeblood of the business, to stay healthy and to grow more resilient.

John can be found at https://incitetax.com/ and https://incitetax.com/about-the-team/

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