The WealthStack Podcast

The WealthStack Podcast

The WealthStack Podcast: Solving Integration Challenges is Now a Reality

March 24, 2023

Many firms are sitting on a plethora of data, but have struggled to unlock the true value of it all. Integration enables (often disparate) systems to communicate with each other, and data integration is key to delivering high-quality client and advisor experiences. By centralizing all of the data, firms can gain a holistic view and understanding of their clients and portfolios, which ultimately leads to happier clients. 

In this episode, Shannon Rosic, Director of WealthStack Content and Solutions, speaks with Kyle Van Pelt, CEO of Milemarker, s how advisors can avoid technological mistakes and create a seamless experience.

Shannon and Kyle discuss:

  • What challenges surround technology integration and how Milemarker provides integration as a serviceWhere tech is adding value to an advisor’s practice
  • How advisors can avoid becoming “accidental CTOs”
  • Three things early-stage data companies must get right when building a scalable business

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About Our Guest:

Kyle Van Pelt started working in professional sports, then into software, then he and his wife started and ran a coffee shop, then back to software and into finance. Kyle has tried a bunch of different things and built a diverse set of experiences.