The WealthStack Podcast

The WealthStack Podcast

The WealthStack Podcast: How Does 401(k) and Held Away Account Management Fit into Holistic Advice?

March 17, 2023

What’s in a name? Acting as a “bridge” to better retirement, Pontera enables retirement savers to get help managing their 401(k) from their trusted advisor. 

In this episode, Shannon Rosic, Director of WealthStack Content and Solutions, is joined by Nicole Zheng, CMO of Pontera, to talk about how their secure and seamless platform allows advisors to monitor and trade 401(k), 403(b), and other held away accounts to ensure they are meeting their clients’ needs.

Shannon and Nicole discuss:

  • Why it’s important for clients to have the option to have their 401(k) managed by a trusted advisor as part of their comprehensive financial plan
  • What demographics are receptive to 401(k) management
  • How advisors should approach the concept of holistic advice, especially surrounding retirement planning
  • Who Pontera integrates with and where will they expand in the future 

Connect with Shannon Rosic:

Connect with Nicole Zheng:

About Our Guest:

Nicole Zheng has been a startup founder and marketing executive in smart home, heath tech, unified communications, internet infrastructure, and now fintech. She is passionate about cultivating inclusive company cultures, advancing women in tech, and designing effective go-to-market strategies.