We R S.H.E.Talks

We R S.H.E.Talks

Have You Received Your Gift? — S3E13

August 17, 2021

The question for today is “Have you received your gift?” If you are wondering, "What gift?" I’m so glad you asked. The gift I am referring to is the most expensive gift you could ever receive because it came at a great cost. 

In fact, God has made available the most precious gift to all who will receive it. The gift I am referring to is His Grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. So, I ask again, have you received your gift? 

Why do I need Jesus? 

You may be someone who does not believe in God, Jesus, heaven, or hell. Thus, you may be thinking, “Why do I need your Jesus?” First, let me be clear, we ALL need Jesus Christ--everybody. No one is left out of ALL. 

Now, take a moment and examine your life. I am sure there is a space that you are trying to fill with something [money, sex, alcohol, drugs, food, etc.]. But no matter what you do to fill the emptiness— that space is never filled. 

Why? Because that space is only meant for God alone. Therefore, when one receives Jesus as Lord, the spirit of the living God fills that space with His love. 

Second, believe it or not — this world as we know it is fast coming to an end. When we look at the state of the world today, we can see that some people have given in to evil thoughts and intentions. 

Consequently, that is a direct result of sin. The Holy Bible warns us that those are signs of the end-times leading up to the destruction of the world. Again, we ALL need Jesus who is the Savior.  

John 17:3 New Living Translation says, “And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” 

Adam caused sin and death – Jesus provides Grace and eternal life 

You see, sin came into the world when Adam disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

Romans 5:12 New Living Translation says, “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”  

More specifically, this answers the question of why we need Jesus. He became the final sacrifice for our sin. Henceforth, it is only through Jesus Christ that one can be saved. 

I like how Romans 5:15-16 The Passion Translation explains it, “Now, there is no comparison between Adam’s transgression and the gracious gift that we experience. For the magnitude of the gift far outweighs the crime. 

It’s true that many died because of one man’s transgression, but how much greater will God’s grace and his gracious gift of acceptance overflow to many because of what one man, Jesus, the Messiah, did for us! 

And this free-flowing gift imparts to us much more than what was given to us through the one who sinned. For because of one transgression, we are all facing a death sentence with a verdict of “Guilty!” 

But this gracious gift leaves us free from our many failures and brings us into the perfect righteousness of God—acquitted with the words “Not guilty!”” 

Jesus is coming back 

So, for whatever reason, you haven’t received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior—I need you to hear me. No matter who you are or what you have done God's love and His grace are readily available to all who would JUST RECEIVE. 

Know this, God cares about you. And He loves you regardless of what anybody else says -- JUST RECEIVE; that's it.  

Jesus is coming back!!! Trust me, you want to be among those who He is coming back to take with Him. You do not want to be left behind during the chaos and destruction of this world. 

Therefore, this is the time to receive your gift. That is to say, proclaim Jesus as Lord while there is still breath in your lungs.   

Philippians 2:10-11 The Passion Translation says, 

“10 The authority of the name of Jesus causes every knee to bow in reverence! Everything and everyone will one day submit to this name—in the heavenly realm, in the earthly realm, and in the demonic realm.