We R S.H.E.Talks

We R S.H.E.Talks

None Like Jesus—S3-DE12

June 15, 2021

Lady V’s Devotional Episode 

John 8:12 (NLT) says; 

 Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” 

John 8:12 (NLT) 


Our lives are filled with memories of some good days and some bad days. Yet one thing you cannot forget is the ONE who got you through those bad days. 

For those that are in Christ, you know like I do those dark seasons do come. But with Jesus, those dark days cannot stay.  

You see, when we have God’s presence, God’s protection, and God’s guidance through this life we are on the path of LIGHT. And Jesus is all that!  

There’s none like Jesus! 

His light shines so brightly that the darkness flees. The LIGHT shines as a beacon of hope and promise.  

Although you may weep in the night season, JOY does eventually come because of Jesus. That’s promised in the Word. 

There’s none like Jesus! 

Jesus lifts you up when you are drowning in your tears. 

He’s there when those accusing voices in your head say you are not deserving of His love or life is not worth living. 

He’s there when those dark pits we fall into try to hold us captive. But it’s Jesus who reaches down to take our hand and says, “Come follow me”. He changes the direction of your life. 

Jesus saves you from spiraling out of control and He restores. 

Jesus loves you! You are greeted with His love every morning and there’s no need for guilt or shame. 

Because of His love, there’s a discerning within that everything is going to be alright. Hang in there! It is written that your future days will be greater than your former. Remember Jesus IS the Word and the LIGHT of the world.  

There’s none like Jesus! 

With Jesus, you find yourself on a path that’s filled with days of peace that surpasses all understanding, hope in the midst of the storm, and light in the midst of the darkness.  

So, embrace Jesus! Receive all of Him! Let no part of your life be left without His Light shining within it. 

Beloved, be encouraged! Better days are ahead! Put your hope in the ONE who holds your heart so dearly in His hands.  

Jesus lights the way—He’s the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

He IS Immanuel, God with us!   

There’s none like Jesus.  

Trust Him today. 

Let’s Pray… 

Father God,  

Thank you for loving us! We give you all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise. YOU are all we’ve ever needed. Thank you for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.  

Thank you for sending us Jesus. Thank you for the plan of salvation that led you to come and wrap yourself in human flesh to be Immanuel, God with us here on earth.  

Thank you that Jesus being our LORD and Savior He imparts in us the peace that the world cannot give. He lights our way! 

Father God as you give us peace today through Jesus let His light shine so brightly in us for all to see. Help us to draw people to Him as we walk in the light of HIS love.  

Thank you for all Jesus has deposited in our hearts. This we pray in Jesus’ great name. Amen  

Grace and Peace to You! Have Faith in Jesus!  

And remember Jesus Is LORD!!! 

{Prayer Scriptures: Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 25:1,Philippians 4:7} 

Lady V 

Bible Study Resources 

Holy Bible [NKJV, NLT, Amplified, TPT, MEV, ESV] Get the Bible App by YouVersion NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible 

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