We R S.H.E.Talks

We R S.H.E.Talks

God Knows What We NEED —S3-DE3

February 02, 2021

Lady V’s Devotional Episode 

Romans 8:26-28 (NLT) says: 

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” 

“And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.” 

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” 

Romans 8:26-28 (NLT) 


Who among you likes for things to always go your way? 

We all have at some point in our lives. I know I’ve had my seasons of asking God to do things—my way. Unfortunately, there’s a problem with—my way.  The problem lies with our limited knowledge of what’s ahead.  

But, Father God, being All-knowing, has the foreknowledge of what’s best for our lives. God knows what we need.  

And in, Romans chapter 8, verses 26-28, we find Apostle Paul teaching a valuable lesson. We don’t know what to pray, but the Holy Spirit does. We need to live with His leading—even in prayer. 

As believers in Jesus Christ, we cannot leave our lives to chance or our limited knowledge. We have a responsibility of living to glorify our risen Savior. And we cannot be like our Savior Jesus without yielding to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We need God’s leading. 

Yet, when life happens, we pray and we sometimes get caught up in my way for our lives. We want to tell God how we want things to play out. So when my way gets in the way of God’s plan, the results can be disastrous. 

You see, in our time of prayer, if we ask for our will to our problems, we ask amiss; meaning—not quite right.  

Thus, a result of our lack of knowledge, we’ve asked unknowingly for ‘snakes’ instead of what was best for us. 

But God knows what we need! 

God knows that when we are spiritual infants we are like those children in a candy store asking for anything and everything. We are unaware that some things are better off not having.  

God, in all His goodness, mercy, and grace, knew that because of our weaknesses we needed an Advocate with us—His Holy Spirit.  

That’s why for believers in Jesus, God has sent us a Helper in His Holy Spirit to intercede for us. The Holy Spirit prays the perfect prayer and He is in harmony with God’s own will. 

God knows what we need!  

God, in all His infinite love and grace, steps into our situation and gives us what we need. He knows that until we learn how to ask for what is good for us, which is His will, we’ll keep asking with a  my way mentality. 

Beloved, as we live our life, that shows the world Jesus, in doing so, we should live with our steps ordered by the LORD. This means to seek the Lord in ALL things about life through prayer and HIS word. 

So when we pray, we must remember that God knows what’s best for every prayer petition that we bring before Him. That’s why His Holy Spirit steps in to help us to pray in any situation which brings about a better result. 

God desires to give us HIS BEST. He’s not going to give us HIS worst. NO! Absolutely not!  God wills to take even the bad situations and bring something good out of them. 

Think about it like this… a composer working on a song,